Want Me To Talk?

While I don't travel to speak very often, I am available for select events. I normally speak on soft-skill and DevOps topics focused on improving developer productivity.

Interested in having me speak at your event? Reach out and let's chat!

Past Talks

Think Inside the Box. Developing Inside Containers

How to develop software inside docker containers to avoid conflicts, improve security and speed up on-boarding.

  • BHM.NET Meetup

  • BSides BHAM

  • devopsdays - Chattanooga

  • DNN Summit

  • GDG DevFest

Geppetto's Guide to Living Puppets

Using the Vonage Video API, Azure Functions, Particle IoT devices and yes, an animatronic puppet.

  • HalfStack Online

  • Vonage Developer Day

Death to SQL Server! Long Live SQL Server!

Running SQL Server within a Docker container to improve development lifecycles and improve security.

  • DotNetConf